الرئيسية / أخبار وتقارير / كلمة السيد الحوثي باللغتين العربية ثم الإنجليزية لاهميتها

كلمة السيد الحوثي باللغتين العربية ثم الإنجليزية لاهميتها

السيد الحوثي يرسم معادلة

رعب جديدة لقوى العدوان

ويتوعد الامارات بمفاجأة مدوّية. 

أكد زعيم حركة انصار الله اليمنية، عبدالملك بدرالدين الحوثي الخميس أن القوة الصاروخية اليمنية تمكنت من إنجاز مرحلة ما بعد الرياض، مشيرا الى أن القوات اليمنية اجرت تجربة صاروخية ناجحة إلى أبو ظبي.

وتوّعد السيد الحوثي النظام الإماراتي الذي يتزعم إلى جانب النظام السعودي العدوان على اليمن قائلاَ: ” الإمارات باتت في مرمى صواريخنا”، كما حذر الشركات والمستثمرين في الإمارات بالقول: إن على كل الشركات في الإمارات ألا تنظر للإمارات بلدا آمنا بعد اليوم، مؤكدا أيضا أن المنشئات النفطية السعودية من اليوم باتت في مرمى صواريخنا.

وأشار السيد الحوثي الى أن المسارات وخطوط الإنتاج الصواريخ اليمنية تتنامى، مؤكدا على أن الشعب اليمني يعمل على تطوير قدراته الصاروخية للوصول إلى أي هدف في السعودية والإمارات، مؤكداً أن الصاروخ الذي وصل ينبع في السعودية لم تعترضه صواريخ الباتريوت، وهناك تفوق على ما مع العدو من إمكانات، مؤكدا في الوقت نفسه أن لدى الجيش واللجان الشعبية جهود لتطوير منظومات الدفاع الجوي للتصدي للطائرات الأمريكية الحديثة.

السيد الحوثي يضع معادلة جديدة في حال غزو الحديدة  

وفي سياق متصل، توعد السيد الحوثي باستهداف السفن الاماراتية والسعودية فيما اذا  فكرت قوى العدوان بالاعتداء على ميناء الحديدة، قائلاً:” إذا أرادوا أن تسلم سفنهم النفطية فعليهم ألا يقدموا على غزو الحديدة والميناء سيقابل بخطوات لم نقدم عليها من قبل.

كذلك كشف أن لدى قوات الشعب اليمني طائرات بدون طيار حلقت مئات الكيلومترات داخل المملكة، وأنه قريبا إن شاء الله تبدأ عملها في القصف، وأعرب عن أمل الشعب اليمني في سياق تطوير قدراته العسكرية الوصول إلى الميناء الفلسطيني المحتل.

السيد الحوثي: النظام السعودي يتبنى حملة تكفيرية وتحريضية على الإسماعيليين

وفي سياق متصل، أكد  زعيم حركة أنصار الله السيد عبدالملك بدرالدين الحوثي أن النظام السعودي انتهج سياسات عدائية وقمعية واستبدادية حتى مع شعبه، مشيرا إلى أن النظام السعودي يتبنى حملة تكفيرية وتحريضية على الإسماعيليين في نجران، لافتاً إلى أن هناك نشاط شعبي في السعودية لمواجهة الاحتقان الذي أنتجته السياسيات السعودية معلنا التضامن بشكل كامل مع الشعب السعودي وتأييد التحرك الشعبي الفاعل لتغيير سياسات النظام العدائية.

السيد الحوثي: التفاهمات بين أنصار الله والمؤتمر والحلفاء أثمرت في الاستقرار

داخلياً أكد السيد عبدالملك الحوثي أن التفاهمات بين أنصار الله والمؤتمر والحلفاء أثمرت في الاستقرار السياسي والاجتماعي والتفرغ لمواجهة العدوان، مؤكدا أن أي طرف يتجه نحو الداخل يرتكب حماقة وخيانة وخدمة مجانية للعدوان، مشدداً على أن أن مصلحة الجميع في اليمن هي في التفاهم والتعاون وتظافر الجهود ضد العدوان وأن هناك حرص من عقلاء أنصار الله والمؤتمر على معالجة الأمور بالحسنى.

وأكد السيد الحوثي أن أول ما نحن معنيون به في مواجهة التصعيد الجديد هو رفد الجبهات بالقوة البشرية، لافتا إلى أن هناك أكثر من 40 محور قتال مع قوى العدوان، وفيها الآلاف من المجاهدين من أبناء البلد وأن هناك في المقابل تحضيرات تصعيدية جديدة للعدوان في جبهات نهم وصرواح والساحل، كما أعلن مباركته لكل المساعي التي تسعى لوحدة الصف والتفاهم، محذرا من المستهترين وأصحاب العقد والارتباطات الخارجية، داعيا كل الدول الحرة إلى الالتفات إلى الشعب اليمني في الجانب الإنساني والاقتصادي.

السيد الحوثي: الصمود في سوريا والعراق ولبنان واليمن سبب في تراجع المشروع الأمريكي

وأوضح السيد عبدالملك أن الصمود في سوريا والعراق ولبنان وصمود الشعب اليمني العظيم هو سبب في تراجع المشروع الأمريكي، مؤكدا أن الشعب اليمني أسهم بشكل كبير في تراجع المد التكفيري، وأكد في ختام كلمته أن تحرك الشعب في الـ21 سبتمبر كان تحركا معبرا عن كل الشعب، وعن إرادة شعبية في مواجهة الوصاية الخارجية، لافتا إلى أن إحياء ذكرى ثورة الـ 21 سبتمبر التي تأتي بعد أسبوع هو إعلان لصمود شعبنا ووحدته في وجه العدوان.

I seek refuge with Allah from the accursed Satan
In the name of of Allah the beneficent the Merciful
Praise is to Allah, the Lord of the Worlds, and I bear witness that there is no God except Allah, the true and permanent King, and I bear witness that our master Muhammad servant and His Messenger and the Seal of the Prophets. O God, bless Muhammad and the family of Muhammad as you prayed and blessed on Abraham and the family of Abraham. His friends, the good people of the prophets and all the other righteous slaves, that is, brothers and sisters, our Yemeni people, the Muslim, peace and mercy of God are upon you.

Wars, tribulations and great tragedies devastated the region and suffered from our Arab peoples, especially in some countries more years ago, and the situation is rising hotter and hotter in these acute conflicts and major problems in the region.

In general, a major cause behind all these problems and crises and divisions and disparities did not come from a vacuum And without a context and did not create so suddenly without introductions and reasons no doubt there is a party is the beneficiary of all this and this party is undoubtedly America and Israel also America and Israel have a goal and have a project to have great efforts in our region to achieve this goal.

Without a doubt Israel is also in a font line of those who are the causative agents of all the problems in this region and in the context of one seeks to dominate and acquisition and absolute control over this region and see the American and with him also the Israeli believes in the destruction of these countries and the weakening of these peoples and the dismantling of their entities as a means to achieve this goal and benefited from two factors to achieve the first of them the presence of forces and entities within this region Some of them in the form of

governments and systems, some of which are ready to be tools to implement the agenda and the American and Israeli scandals as they do not have a project for self and for itself impose a role to be present and through which the region has an ambition but does not have a project then And be large to be a window to be important to be influential to be present in the forefront of the scene in the region, but does not have a project eligible to play this role and be at this level.

Fratt in the US umbrella and in the American project area and window through which you can be in The introduction of the scene in front of the front affects the region ie it wanted to play the role of the US proxy is keen to both of those being the exclusive agent of America in the other region also is a key factor as well is the enabling environment and the complex available conditions available for sedition available to problems conditions arise Of which The problems of the reality that is ready to produce problems of various kinds political problems, economic problems and security problems etc. The circumstances are the product of the past a large vacuum in the reality of the nation of the

existence of a building project and existing by the entities of the region in addition to many reasons we cannot time does not have time to talk about The problems of the past and the present These problems have been at a more severe pace in Syria and in Iraq than in the rest of the countries spread over there for a long time, especially in Syria and then our dear Yemeni people, which is worse than in Syria and darker than in Iraq not only the role of targeting our countries Yemen on Intercourse Tkfiri.

Although it was blocked in Yemen and worked with maximum energy and spent very much support, but despite all this failed early and retreat was a major decline was the direction for the forces that are working to implement the US agenda in the region that decided to enter directly by a US decision, On top of the facts of this intervention, the Saudi regime and the UAE joined in an alliance that included a number of countries and included a number of entities, calling and bringing mercenaries from all over the world and targeting our country in this aggression in all areas militarily in a brutal manner unparalleled in the region and the world. And thousands of flights made through which tens of thousands of tons of explosives and advanced projectiles of various missiles and modern bombs powerful in destructive destruction in human damage and plowing and childbearing, brutal aggression on the military level and aggression also on the economic level of our country, which was suffering from the worst aggression Suffering in its economic situation for many reasons political problems and crises and circumstances many things at the same time at the same time mismanagement in the past economic situation in the country did not take into account the economic situation in the country to be in a manner that provides a state of cohesion at the occurrence of any Eating or wars or foreign aggression, the economic situation witnessed a state of great targeting, whether as a result of military targeting such as the destruction of factories, such as the destruction of economic women or as a result of the siege or also conspiracies related to the economic situation, as happened with regard to the bank such as many actions have affected the economic situation In many aspects, he is of weak origin and suffers more and more suffering and has reached the end of suffering from the abyss, as is the case of the B cholera, which is now in some estimates more than half a million cases suffering from it is very large suffering as a result of the injured The suffering of the disabled The suffering of the disabled Comprehensive suffering in all areas Very great suffering on the level of the health situation in all aspects The great suffering on both these events and suffering and targeting of our peoples and the rest of the countries in a different way also included Egypt The security targeting and political crises and economic problems spread in Morocco Arab region to include Libya in the first place and also suffer the rest of the countries there of these problems, and in general the region in all targeted,

but in some countries more strongly and some countries because their role will be preparations are underway to reach the role as these problems continue and wars and the crises and contrasts and sharp conflicts that mocked her and employed the greatest material potential and huge sums of money the Saudi system and some countries in the Arabian Gulf, the possibilities of a very large and hired for these problems and the tribulations of these wars and crises, which helped to exacerbate and the fire raging in a huge way but with the length of time and free movement The free forces in the region and the steadfastness of the peoples of this region in Syria, Iraq, Lebanon and in our dear country, through the legendary steadfastness of our Yemeni people, the great steadfastness of the faith of our dear Yemeni people, there is a great decline in the reality of the region.

We have contributed a very large contribution even in the decline of the takfiri tide and the great defeats suffered by the labor force in Syria and Iraq because the great preoccupation and the great drowning of the Saudi regime and the UAE in Yemen contributed very much and I can say that it is major in helping the free forces in the rest of the countries and helped to retreat Saudi and Emirati attention is somewhat limited to the situation in Syria and to the situation in Iraq and in other countries because the battle in Yemen is a very big battle and the sensitivity of the Yemeni file is more to the Saudi regime than to the rest of the countries.

His situation was very sensitive when he failed. Failure is a direct failure, a direct defeat and has very large repercussions at the level of the region. He employed his greatest potential and worked more in the situation here in Yemen, which alleviated the pressure and weight he had thrown into him and entered into. In Syria and the situation in Iraq and the rest of the countries, we consider this a great positive, this contribution at the level of those countries, at the level of the region as a whole, while at the same time never underestimate the great efforts of free forces there, and never underestimate the great steadfastness of the Syrian people and the Syrian regime And for the main role, effective and vital c Which is in the forefront of Hezbollah’s leadership in Lebanon, as well as the Iraqi people, the popular mobilization and the Iraqi government, great and great efforts and a practical path they have taken in confronting the tyranny of aggression and aggression.

This is an effective, wise and correct course. The decline of the labor forces in the region has become clear that it has suffered very large defeats in Iraq and in Syria, this is very clear, and its failures and failure, if not the battle is over, but all this was clear, and the loss of the large, lost in the funds, which are hundreds of billions And its efforts Which has caused the region and itself a very great loss and its political loss and its loss of the level of influence and acceptable presence because it did not receive an acceptable presence as a result of its policies tried to be influential and presence imposed by force and not presence and influence welcome and constructive and positive otherwise it would have been available if both the Saudi regime and the UAE regime followed this The approach was keen to be present and in the lead, but in a constructive, useful and positive way, this was certainly available, but chose a different course and course and a wrong direction in all the meaning of the word. He wanted to impose himself a positive and forceful presence and to protect the people of this region with iron and steel fire, destruction, murder, crimes, siege, and so forth. Then these problems, these events and these wars reverted to their very dangerous effects to the Saudi regime itself in the people and to the UAE system in reality.

Today the Saudi regime is witnessing in the Kingdom in the Arab region, Dangerous and sensitive and important rebound are all those problems and events and all those policies wrong and the wrong approach he took back on the internal situation when I come to assess the internal situation at the political level there are problems with the Saudi system at the level of the family there are significant problems with the people, both in the For the eastern region and what he did with the people of Awamiya and other areas and there is great congestion because there is no wise and correct treatment of the situation there on the contrary the policy pursued wrong politicians hostile even towards the people and politicians are very severe repression and authoritarian to large and then the method adopted by the political and dependable in dealing With the Ismailia in Najran and some areas, which is a wrong policy based on persecution to target them by dividing them and stirring up problems among them and a vigorous pursuit of demographic change in Najran, bringing in foreigners in very large numbers and settling them in the regions in an effort to make a demographic change in Najjar To dissolve the Ismailis there and turn them into a minority and more so disappearance and dismantling and then at the appropriate stage of the Saudi regime will not hesitate to be directed by some of his scholars, scholars and scholars of the Sultans who are ready to issue fatwas at any time at any stage he deems appropriate will be asked to issue fatwas of genocide and there is an inflammatory and reflective campaign of Ismailism in Najran there is a campaign of incitement to On the media of the Saudi regime and the pro-Saudi regime Ismailis are considered infidels and that they must be eliminated and so there is also even within the Wahhabi trend in the so-called stream of awakening there is also targeting and there are crises with the people in general problems of public policy

The Saudi regime is at the same pace with the Saudi people dealing with oppression and tyranny too large and targeting the most simple arrests of death sentences just to pretend to pretend death sentences and even sometimes death sentences for the mere expression of opinion and more there is a tendency To target entire areas and sometimes some of the trends have become very targeted in the Kingdom today the arrests that we have seen in the Kingdom these days and witnessed by the world and the Arab regions have heard it as well as large arrests and there is great congestion and there is also activity for The face of this situation of tyranny, repression, oppression,

oppression and enslavement of the people is an activity in addition to the great congestion that included large currents in the Kingdom, but there are activities, including the activity that is falling apart a lot on the fifth of September of course we there we affirm our solidarity with the people in the Kingdom The oppressed groups there and all the people there are oppressed also encourage all these activities and what is more than we affirm that the salvation of the people in the Kingdom and salvation to the region all but an effective action that presses this system to change its policies wrong and wrong approach which is also hostile and political approach Hostile to everyone wants to raise his stick to everyone to silence everyone by force to control everyone by force to deal with everyone very strong and hostile language and language of control and the language of acquisition and the manner of servitude to what is happening today with Qatar he wanted to use the same method with the country of revolution and absolute subjugation By force and this is what the Qataris did not accept and was very upset by and the regime in Qatar was dissatisfied with dealing with him as if he was not an independent state and not an independent entity as if he was nothing but a follower.

No movement moves without his permission and without respect even without respect for this approach which depends on To kneel down the others by force And strength and arrogance and arrogance and arrogance was a major factor in the problems of the region all and with all this failure of the Saudi regime and with it the UAE regime, which is today in its economic situation and there is congestion within the entity at the political level and crisis and is certainly ahead of many problems because this approach they are Which is an aggressive, criminal and problematic approach and an unnatural path that will never lead them to the problems and will drink from the cup itself, which tried to stifle their own bitterness. They themselves will drink it and perhaps they will suffocate it and the Saudi regime will die with all these problems that have reached its internal status. The political level and the economic level is very overpriced and pay a huge tax and then terrible for the American two decades came Trump returned with most of the Kingdom’s money and transferred to most of the money that I have given him a lot more and took a lot and still wants a lot because he deals with exploiting them and they treat him generously in exchange for His great exploits are very generous and very strange crap and even strange dealings to the domestic situation in the kingdom seems to be that the regime there and especially bin Salman entered into big deals with the American even concerned his internal position in the kingdom Saudi regime with all his great failure in the region a crushing defeat in Iraq shook A very big feast and a very big slap in Syria is a very big defeat in Lebanon. All of this decline in Iraq to the tide of Takfiri in Lebanon and in Syria is a recorded defeat recorded by history and witnessed by the region and a big defeat in exchange for what the Saudi regime has done. And who worked and moved at all levels defeated defeat, retreat and great defeats, but he did not seem to rationalize his calculations and correct his path to deal in a way that makes him a natural member in this region and present in a manner acceptable among the peoples and countries of this region did not review his accounts or the UAE system also seems It’s the system Marathi seems to have not reviewed his accounts both continue in the same mistakes and the same criminal behavior and deviant and wrong strategy that is a phenomenon so far is to escape forward and in terms of the Yemeni issue went to compensate for their losses and failures and failures of large and their defeats and loud and very large in Iraq and Syria and Lebanon to Yemen are trying to compensate for those defeats to achieve results in our situation, although they have failed a lot and lost a lot and defeated a lot in Yemen means if we come to statistics of the number of military crawl failed on the fronts look at hundreds of hundreds of military failed failed Their economic riches are very enormous on the level of our situation in Yemen. Their human losses are in thousands and tens of thousands of wounded to the other but they have a very great desire to make up for all of this we have in Yemen. There are indications these days of preparations for the military escalation in full swing and they have recently ascended I mean, they tried to climb up some of the tracks in the coast, but there was a great response in the Navy resulted from the targeting of battleships, as well as that there is a great activity to address the military campaign and the large military attack launched by the camp Khaled and finally stopped in a certain period and suffered very large losses but there is New Houderat escalation and only the last they have stepped up where the moment they did it.

this is a big escalation in the fury and failed and escalation in Sarawah and failed and escalation in the coast and failed and today there are preparations and preparations and measures taken for a new phase of escalation on the same fronts from them to Sarawah and also in the coast there is a very large plot on the coast and there are also preparations for the rest of the fronts on the other fronts The next phase of the escalation that characterizes it or makes it a little special from its predecessors is that they aim mainly to compensate for their defeats there for their defeats in Iraq and in Syria they are complaining about us Yemenis are trying to make up for here. The interior as a Yemeni people has been blessed by Allah over all this period since the beginning of the aggression. We are in the third year of steadfastness and steadfastness in a great and honorable manner, despite the suffering and the level of great sacrifices, but God Almighty according to our people with great steadfastness and honorable and there were factors that helped this steadfastness , We must take care of these factors that help this steadfastness and focus on what remains, according to the words of God and Jalal al-Bari, according to our local expression in the past, but we are concerned with what remains and strongly and strongly because it comes today to climb up when we are stuck and motorized and broken in the rest of the region and very upset he is trying to make up We have p We are concerned with what we have been concerned about over the past period. What we are talking about is new procedures, but what is concerned about raising the level of what we are concerned with, developing what we are working on and addressing some of the problems that might benefit or hamper our preparedness. The first question we are interested in. Humanity is the main pillar to confront the aggression without these fighters and heroes Mujahideen in the fields of heroism and steadfastness and honor in the fronts in all the gaps without stability without their steadfastness without strengthening them continuously without refueling continuously can the aggression to penetrate these fronts today there are more than 40 axis of fighting and extended To the perimeter of all the logic that is still free and could not be conquered by the aggressors from the sea to the sea from the coast of the Red Sea along the coast at the level of the coast in Taiz, the directorates of the coast in Taiz to the income of Taiz to extend to the outskirts of the father by extension to the extension extending to Shabwa extended to Marib extension To Nahm extending to the Jouf and then extending to the northern border with Saudi Arabia in the direction of Najran, Asir and Jazan to Midi and Harad to the coast in Hodeidah, these axes exist today and in which tens of thousands of the people of this country from different members of this country who are in the hubs of fighting do not care There are many numbers of the Shafi’i and numbers of Zaydi numbers also of the Salafis numbers of all the sons of this country, even from the Ismailis there is a honorable and respected presence on these fronts of all the sons of this people from different sects and from different political currents and social components and at the tribal level all tribes It is worth noting that the tribal people are very active in this battle and in the defense of the country because the country’s social structure is tribal and therefore it is present with all force. History of the Yemeni tribe will witness its great presence as recorded in the past.

Rh big in the face of this aggression and its presence honorable major presence today to confirm that there are sometimes factors that affect them in the presence of human force there are always convoys of martyrs and wounded and there is also what can happen on the fronts this miss to visit his family this is boring and dull this weakens but there are a lot of steadfast and steadfast and there is a natural situation that must be continuous Attempts and presence on the fronts and in the reinforcement, which is supposed to be intensified and more at the stages of the challenges and concentration by the forces of aggression means in the circumstance that the enemy prepared for new paths or for a new escalation in return there should be more reinforcements to the fronts and moreAnd to warn of the situation of diminution that may affect some of the fronts, as happened in past experiences in past experiences enabled the aggressors to penetrate some fronts in exchange for the lack of lack of manpower, we are concerned in this aspect this aspect requires the first must To be in the regions a process of continuous mobilization to incite cultural activities, constant awareness and urging and this is a necessary activity that must move everyone and stability of stability at the political level so that the priority for all is to urge people in this direction and push people in this direction and not preoccupied with any issues High School In addition, it requires the care of the families of the Almoravids, whether they are members of the army, security men, committees or all the volunteers. Many go to the front, and their families need to be cared for as much as necessary in need of a living. The social solidarity and cooperation among all, in addition to all official, charitable and popular institutions, Contribute and give great attention to Almoravid families so that they can go to fight on the fronts or else some actually back from the front because his family no longer have a living need to eat food to the bread is returned from the front in order to secure the food, everyone is interested in this On the other hand, awareness, education, nutrition, necessary strength, urgent needs, and health care are important requirements that help to support the fronts of the fighters. Official recruitment Official recruitment is necessary and necessary in the operations of supporting the fronts of the fighters because some of the members of the military establishment unfortunately joined the aggression There are also those who fail to take responsibility and choose to stay at home and not move and those who joined them in the line of aggression and those who stayed in their homes and disavowed their responsibilities and did not act to do their duty to defend their country must rejoice Instead of them there are many honorable and free in this country of young people and different groups, even from the Shabat and not only from the young who is present to move with all seriousness and responsibility and a great interest in the motivation for this country and the dignity and independence of this people, the recruitment process must be active and successful, Long and very late procedures that create despair among some or doubts in others about the seriousness of the recruitment process and move everyone in that components currents in this country is not intended to recruit for purposes or for the purpose of the party or partisan or other goals never recruitment to the fronts cooperate in this and understand J All of this is encouraged by all, and both sides are mobilizing and mobilizing the fronts both kindly in this direction. This is very important. This is the path of manpower that is necessary to support the fronts on the other path continuing to build the military capabilities. Of course, there is continuous work on this side. We should have noticed that in North Korea, despite the economic blockade, targeting and political isolation of North Korea. But they have a great interest in developing the capabilities of Nunweh.

Of course, we are not in the process of developing our capabilities, not in our direction. And But when we come to present the example in front of all the desperate and discouraged and the losers and the mentally ill and those suffering from mental illness, some psychological illness has always knot weakness weakness node has never hope North Korea honors the scientists and encourages the state of industrialization in which instead of ridicule and mockery There is a tribute to what led them to the level of development of nuclear capabilities in our country today and in the face of these challenges and the maximum material conditions there is indeed an achievement worthy of appreciation and praise industries at the level of artillery manufacturing there is a completion in this manufacture also sophisticated 23-caliber sniper There is a calculated achievement there in terms of Missile is a very important achievement and achievement is growing thanks to God Almighty is growing this achievement and reached the potential efforts to the level of what happened recently that the missile force could target the Yanbu oil installations in the spring, which is beyond Riyadh This is a major achievement in The rocket capability to have missiles far beyond Riyadh This is a very large achievement and there is great work There are multiple paths of action in the rocket and rocket capability of them at medium levels means today the missile force in its manufacturing paths established multiple paths at the level of In the middle there, God willing, production lines will be soon, God willing, capable of producing large numbers so that there is a great momentum in the rocket bombing to a very important extent covering a large area in the Kingdom also on the long term in the long term there is continuous activity and there are important achievements in this month The same missile was able to carry out an important test, which is the bombing with a missile reaching the range of Abu Dhabi in the UAE This happened in the month of AH in the eighth of the missile force was able to do this experiment was a successful experiment and work is going on in full swing God willing there is a possibility To do the s In a purposeful and focused on the very important goals in the UAE and that this day, I advise many countries and many important companies not to consider today the Arab Emirates after having adopted its wrong approach in the aggression against Yemen and penetrated and deepened in this aggression the brutal crimes committed against the people in the occupied territories and the right of the prisoners and their violation of Yemeni sovereignty without justification. What is the justification for the UAE regime while our country has never acted in a way that is very wrong? What is the work of our Yemeni people in what has happened in the Arab Emirates, and there is never a right or a claim of unjustifiable unjustifiable criminal aggression on all countries They have relationships The UAE should not view the UAE as a security country from this day on, under the possibility of missile strikes and missile targeting for important purposes. It should be seen as a non-security country that has put itself in trouble and has entered into a war. Today, the UAE regime can review its accounts and supervise itself to get out of this aggression because it does not honor the continuation of this aggression. It is not a shame to get out of this aggression and to stop these crimes committed against our Yemeni people, whether in the South, the Mukha, His criminal treatment And the brutality with the prisoners and inhumane, which is not supervised by dealing as if it is not in countries and not in a system that treats like the case of the rest of the Takfiri and al-Da’isheh groups treat the prisoners without humanity without responsibility, without morals without values.

This is wrong in his right, even if he presents himself as a state, A power that is not always supervised by all these possibilities, God willing, will strengthen and develop and strengthen and there is a quest, God willing, that one day will be momentum so that the intensive bombardment of these missiles with distant ranges that can reach any goal in Saudi Arabia and reach multiple goals In the UAE and later on God includes any goal within the Arab Emirates, God willing, on all this achievement and this is not present in many countries in the region does not have missile capabilities for this long term over more than a thousand kilos this missile capability is now within reach and in the hands of our people has become a hand of our people Aziz is hit by all those criminals and tyrants arrogant and wrongdoers who unjustly attack him also of the missile capabilities in which there is continuous work and will continue, God willing, is a drones aircraft today we have advanced marching aircraft and we tried and penetrated the Saudi airspace to hundreds of kilometers and reach distant ranges Is working today in some of the fronts in the monitoring and reconnaissance and soon, God willing, start its work in bombing and targeting the studied and the center, albeit at the beginning of limited but God willing as much as possible conditions as much as possible with the continuation of increasing the number of the number and also the advancement, God willing, in technology and development, God willing The centers of studies and research in these missile fields have a center of studies and research is important in all fields. There are studies there. There is a great effort not only effort, mechanical effort and effort, but effort. Also study the effort effort research in all directions at the level of air defense There are also ongoing work systems, God willing, on the development and on the readiness, God willing, to activate it there noticed his brother and noticed, sisters, in regard to these areas are all the most important and what are the most important to note We face in this aggression is not Saudi capabilities and not the capabilities of the Emirati expressions. We are not facing in this aggression the American purification and American capabilities in the latest of what we have reached. We are fighting with advanced American capabilities and we are facing advanced American military technology in the latest of what we manufactured and invented. For example, I have come to the field of air defense issue, such as the first air defense with some capabilities and capabilities are simple to occupy them, but today there is work in progress to develop air defense systems that address the modern aircraft and modern American capabilities operating over the skies of our country and this will be a great achievement whenever we have the potential whenever our country From building capabilities and developing capabilities in the face of modern American technology today Community in the Kingdom and the UAE What can you say about their local and self-made industries What can the rice dish they made as the largest rice dish in the world or any other but who is in their hands and who is outside The American capabilities of America and some Western and European countries can be achieved by inventing the capabilities, capabilities and manufacturing of military equipment. They are aware of the capabilities of the last missile that reached Yanbu, which was not intercepted by US Patriot batteries that have radars and monitoring devices. Very accurate and sensor for any missiles come to the Kingdom to address them there is a great effort to overcome what the other party has the potential and capabilities of a very important and technical modern what the Yemeni people can today is qualitative what it means the word and the completion of the talk of what the word means and very important and this is what is going on In spite of the fact that the enemy has lost many of its planes, we have never underestimated what God has been able to do.

It enabled several Apache planes from several warplanes of different types. What is present in the forces of aggression also in the maritime route, which is an important and qualitative course and does not have many countries, many countries in the region have not yet reached their maritime capabilities to the level reached by the Navy, today we have thanks to God Almighty, Its mission is effective and has greatly influenced its contribution to the Delay the invasion of Hodeidah in the past stages because they were whenever they came and prepared and began their arrangements was one of the most important obstacles to them targeting the warships and a number of them destroyed and I tell you the capabilities of the sea range far can reach even to the ports of some aggressor forces and participation in the aggression and can reach large areas in the middle of the sea means that can Even to the other edge of the Red Sea and can be deep into the ports ports of the Saudi regime and noted that we in the maritime issue we have noticed several considerations First, we have been keen in the last stage to keep the navigation in the passage from Bab al-Mandab safe and secure and do not offer any The forces of aggression that the Bab al-Mandab corridor is threatened and even safe for the commercial movement with all the meaning of the word and the countries of the world from the merchant ships with all reassurance, sometimes get some things by the forces of aggression and mercenaries we monitored several cases and spread its experience of targeting Bab al-Mandab mercenaries who were They are paying for that and today, certainly, which directly controls Miyoun, and on the two buses in Bab al-Mandab, neither the Yemeni army nor the popular committees are the forces of the occupied aggression that occupied the island of Miyoun and turned it into a military base and occupies Bab al-Mandab from its Yemeni side clearly to Mecca. There is a threat to maritime navigation in its business, vital and ordinary activities have nothing to do with the army and the popular committees. It is totally linked to the forces of aggression, its mercenaries and its agents who work with it. But we have the ability to strike not in Bab al-Mandeb but in any part of the Red Sea. The level of what is along the Yemeni coast to the coast of Saudi Arabia that we have access to and even access to some of the coasts of African countries at our disposal and of course we are not talking here on the basis that the naval force of our country poses any threat to maritime navigation of countries in their business and does not pose a threat to other countries The Saudi regime and those who are directly involved in the aggression against our country hope that, in the future, we will also be able to reach the Palestinian port to be in any battle with Israel at the level that we can, God willing, do any action in which we support the Palestinian people, Our Arab and Islamic nation, but for example, Egypt, there is never any threat to Egypt at all from our naval power.

Egypt does not directly participate in warships in any invasion of our country and the Egyptian position to this day is still a balanced and sensible position, Egypt is looking forward to perhaps and a lot in Egypt, The subversive role of the Saud regime Which is trying to occupy even the role played by Egypt at the level of the Arab nation is a large role and was an acceptable role in the Arab region and welcome but the Saudi role comes as a destructive role at the expense of all the countries of the region, all the naval force is a defensive force Navy in Yemen force And I can tell you today there are large conspiracies on Hodeidah on the port on the coast to the present day we have been turning a blind eye to the activity of the forces of aggression itself, including the Saudi regime in the forefront and is moving with all the confidence of the sword Its oil and commercial and sometimes its warships also with all the reassurance while we in this country besieged our besieged harbor and today threatens our ports threatens our coast threatens the remaining coastal area of Yemen in Hodeidah threatened and this can not turn a blind eye to it We turn a blind eye to many things in recognition of the sensitivity of some things On the international level, but if the Saudi regime and its members turn green with American light, and it will be only with a green green light, not a green light, a red light, a light that is not as light as a criminal and aggressive signal if they are accompanied by an American permission and foolishly go to invade Hodeidah, invade the port and invade the coast Then it is inevitable that we have to take steps we have not previously provided in the past and we can target the Saudi oil vessels then the Navy can target the oil vessels can do anything that is legitimate to us to some extent is legitimate to us when they offer an invasion Hodeidah and the invasion of the port of Hodeidah and the invasion of the coast in Hodeidah, we overlook much of this action has not been done, despite the horrific aggression and the size of the siege and targeting of all our simple installations on the economic level in return for their facilities, our purpose party in the past even at the level of the situation in Saudi Arabia Today onwards in the Mq But the crises they are making against our people in its economic situation and the economic targeting of us in this country can all the giant oil installations in the Kingdom to be one of the main objectives of missile capability and other potential until they stop their aggression and economic blockade and injustice to this people in the livelihood and livelihood of this side we hope to appreciate and instead of Raising sensitivities on maritime navigation is better for them to make a decision not to invade Hodeidah if they want the oil vessels to remain safe they should not invade Hodeidah or invade the port of Hodeidah and they have to move rationally and something of the human conscience in dealing with The economic situation in our country. If the course of continuing the path of military capability and building the military capacity, which should be enjoyed by everyone, is encouraged, supported and supported in this country, and support is also provided, there are other aspects that are no less important than the human momentum of the fronts and also the building of military capacity The Front Within This is also an essential element in the cohesion and steadfastness of our people in the face of this aggression.

The understandings of the last period and the positive spirit of cooperation in the face of aggression and the management of state institutions between Ansar Allah and their partners have resulted from the GPC and its partners This positive spirit of understanding, positive spirit and cooperation have contributed to this To a very large extent to make at home a political, social and security stability and became the point of danger what comes from the forces of aggression and this is a very important factor in the level of full-time to confront this aggression and the use of all the potentials, capabilities and energies in the face of this aggression, what concern of what we are preoccupied with each other All capacities have directed all capacities to confront this aggression. This is a religious duty, a national responsibility, a moral obligation, and this is a matter of wisdom, which requires logic, the supreme national interest of this country, and the natural thing that we are collectively in this country. Which Doctrine and any political component You are in this country Targeted Look at all those who have been destroyed Their homes and all those affected in this country of any Are they only counted exclusively on one component or one party or one party Are they only one doctrine Are they only from one region Are they just one stream or component? Not all of us in this country are affected by all of us in this country. We suffer and we are all in this country. Our martyrs are the wounded and we are all in this country. Many of us have demolished their homes and destroyed their homes, and all of us in this country are suffering economically. Rather, we should be one class and be in a united position and unite our collective efforts in the face of aggression that targeted us all and hurt all of us and hatred against us all and did not provide any opportunity nor any effort and invested it in order to eliminate us, so what to think when we are from the sons of one country is Yemen We are all Yemenis and we are all targeted and all of us are This aggressor has committed itself to the elimination of our independent entity and to become oppressed slaves, oppressed and murdered, in all the words of this comprehensive aim, to unite our efforts in bringing this danger to all of us, our people, our country, our present and our future. In our lives and our security, our lives are threatened by killing us every day every day. A day has passed since the beginning of this aggression. If Yemeni blood sheds Yemeni blood in Sana’a, Sa’ada, Taiz, Marib, Hodeidah, Jawf, Ibb, Dhamar, Or in all countries of this country in all regions of this country are threatened In our lives we are killed every day in our security, our security target our security is targeted either through the war which is sabotage of the security situation or through the criminal activity seeking assassinations pursuit of bombings seeking by all means and also a threat to us in our freedom because the aggressor does not accept in the past and to this day to be a country Free independent How to complain in Yemen Yashtina in Yemen as it is today with his mercenaries People What we have a decision in our hearts in our affairs in our affairs in any issue in any issue in any administrative affairs economic political and social security We receive guidance from a prince or a king there or else There is only an intelligence officer from the Saudi intelligence officers What do we do for the officer who appoints the officer, otherwise the prince is a security director in the governorate, so he says, so if they are not, then because they changed, so why are they so far removed? So, if they do so, then do so. Do not do this and impose unjust policies on us.

And enslavement of his strategy based on the weakness of our strength and that the destruction of our security stability of its security Note from the mentality of this calamity on us in Yemen Our neighbor this Saudi Saudi regime What is the problem with us in the security and secure and stable and stable and not the people The Saudi regime has a theory, This is my view Satanic meaning of the word that when we get to ruin our security situation and wraps up any of us here in Yemen and makes our country no background No back garden No dustbin Dustbin All the rubbish and all its problems All the symptoms of their response to us in Yemen and Takfirin answer them in Yemen And he invests and employs his problems on us in Yemen means that this view that our instability contributes to its stability and our weakness and our inability and crises and if we have a very big problem in that we get bread that this leaves a stable situation This is a false view how much concern in the past and present and we are still keen to understand that It can be b There is stability and stability. What is necessary is that it deteriorates our situation. Even if it remains stable, it is also noticed. He does not want us. Freedom wants us, not just more than subordination, slavery. What is with us is neither a matter nor a decision except what he wants and wants. No independence, dignity, security or economic status. The government of the initiative was totally dependent on the full subordination of the Saudi regime and the American according to the Saudi regime. The ambassadors of the ten countries in Sana’a were above the Council of Ministers and the Council was above the Council of Ministers. Abed Rabbo Beglis discussed with them any important issues. This government was the situation Their order is based in the country and the men were in Sana’a, without signing, otherwise they will not issue what they wanted. However, they wanted to suffocate us economically by means of decisions that did not involve war and with full dependence on the political reality of the outside. Yemen is pleased with God and with all these pests and negatives take decisions that hunger us decisions decisions potions today our economic situation is not the result of elective decisions our economic situation not by our will not by our decision not our aggression against us aggression against us is not a reality in front of us a stable situation in which we have the ability of States Regional and The international community as it was on the days of the initiative government acceptable to the other parties and then with any external support and internal stability and external support absolute decisions should be taken against the people, not decisions starving the people and a dose for the people now the situation is different aggression what the word means on both This situation exists today in Yemen and this level to target the dangerous, which is the targeting of independence, freedom and dignity and the targeting of security and targeting of life and targeting of the economy and the targeting of all our affairs we must make our priority to address this threat to address this danger so that we pay ourselves this danger if we come Group of good divide under these circumstances and engage each other quarrels among us Internal problems between us focus on each other detract from each other abuse and insulting from each other and then God forbid, God forbid, this is developed by the fifth column endeavors efforts of the forces of aggression, which is keen to do so to become a serious problem In our internal situation to military or security friction, God forbid, this tragedy is a great crime against the country and a great folly, never greater than it, to this day we are in this country, this people Yemen Yemen is proud and proud to all countries of the world for its steadfastness and stability.

The spirit of cooperation Positive spirit in solving any problems or differences or differences of views Any party under these circumstances tends to the internal situation to make his political and military political security against the other party is committing folly and betrayal At the same time provides great service to the external aggressor himself and his people And on the mku The other effort of any day is made from any of the two main components against the other is a reduction of the effort that was going to address the aggression is at the same time free and urgent service and fast for the forces of aggression not to note for example in front of the media and some political frictions how Hllt and the forces of aggression very satisfied And sought to amplify any dispute, any media exchange any problem they have given you the issue in their media clashes and the managers of what is that and the manager is important that they try more than that the forces of aggression seek to fish in the turbidity water clean this water does not water the turbidity of the internal atmosphere does not remain water Acura Do not enter the whales and worms and are engaged in it Tksp and try to keep the atmosphere This atmosphere of the atmosphere clean, clean What the meaning of the word National atmosphere of national brotherhood Understanding Understanding cooperation We have some differences in our views Points of disagreement How to solve them mute and the reasons for media exchange Is this really possible To solve specific problems or differences or to reach an understanding on certain matters insulting defamatory defamation media not what has ever happened in any problem in the year that has been solved because of or never cursed this is the problem is not a means means used when anyone in the world keen on It solves a problem because it originally meant a targeted abuse process The case of targeting the activities of a combination of a highly competitive nature depends on defamation or climbing from the emergence and rise from the day noon back home who tries to climb on his spine and press it is wrong is a jana on this country our interest in the interest of the supporters of Allah the interest of the General People’s Congress and this is something All the wise people in the parties and all the wise people in the partners and all the wise people in this country understand that the interest of all and the interest of this country is in understanding and cooperation and in joining together the efforts against the aggression. Here, there is a great trend in the leadership of Ansar Allah and the brothers in the General People’s Congress The wise in the Conwin is a very great desire and keenness of all components in this country on the equality or settlement of the internal situation based on the understandings based on the balance of the past based on the treatment of things with the understanding of cooperation in dealing with the aggression attention to the risks especially as we are in front of an escalation A large force of aggression was focused on taking advantage of the dark atmosphere that occurred in the internal arena means the forces of aggression tried to work on the pace of these differences and media conflict and the internal crisis tried to work on it first in the crisis more than through the fifth column located inside the country two tried to prepare That on the basis that it will work to aggravate the internal situation until it reaches the height of the crisis and seek if it reached to friction and God forbid militarily or security and then enter the country at the height of the preoccupation of the internal forces each other and management of their backs to the weapon of the outside and overlooked and sleep from external aggression and then moving to each other means A very serious issue is a matter of folly in what the word means.

Therefore, today, I would like to bless all efforts aimed at maintaining unity of ranks, understanding and attention, attention from all the despicable selfish insults that are worthless to this country, Some people have other problems Some have links outside which they wish to raise problems between the components in the country, but there is keenness on the wise in the two parties and there was yesterday, God willing, the nucleus of the course of my work is very important progress God willing to the level to be heading towards To confront aggression and to deal with all internal differences with understanding, dialogue and a civilized spirit, God willing, and civilized ways, of course, the atmosphere is optimistic and we hope in the popular reality of the wise people of Yemen from the wise faces of the elites to be encouraged in this direction and defenders in this direction And a There is also a great danger that they noticed that there was an attempt to strain the situation in Sana’a, Sanaa, where hundreds of thousands of Yemenis have turned their attention to the security and stability in Yemen. Security and Stability in Sana’a Responsibility for all Responsibility of the official organs The security services are the responsibility of the forces and the components of understanding and dialogue and fill the gaps in front of all criminals who may try to exploit these things The fourth element of the elements to focus on to face external escalation is the care Economic situation quest for better performance of the state apparatus and the government and make the most effort to obtain revenue stronger and fill the gaps Activation of the regulatory bodies activate all that would maintain revenue and development of these revenues to collect what you get and provide what is available and benefit from it in terms of salaries and support the effort War on the fronts This is an important issue Besides I am going in this Which is aimed at all free countries, both in the Arab region and the Islamic world, to pay attention to the Yemeni people to cooperate with him in the humanitarian aspect on the humanitarian side. In terms of salary, there are some countries in the Arab world and the Islamic world can contribute any contribution to this Because the suffering is really great suffering and the side of us the organs of the State is seeking as much as it can and do its best and benefit from the popular opinions and efforts in this direction also hope that God will focus on this aspect of its importance with regard to steadfastness at the end of this word and we may have long been distracted Dear people, To the great interaction with both the commemoration of the twenty-first of September and the anniversary of the twenty-sixth of September, of course in the introduction mentioned the twenty-atheist of September the following is a very important memory is the memory of the popular movement of all the people of this people mean what is called to feel any component in This b From this anniversary of this anniversary, they moved from among them supporters of God, including the conference of them from the components of the partners from different sons of this country was the movement of popular movement on the twenty-first of September and before any revolutionary escalation was a move expressed by the people of this people and their components This is a matter that provoked our dear people and all the free people in this country, as it had reached it. It was on the verge of division and disruption of decisions, decisions and deals. This is a catastrophic issue. I mean what is raping?

With collusion, colluding decisions and agreements torn apart by the country into states and divided into states where the country has reached the level of economic collapse with policies and decisions and not the result of aggression or war conditions and they do not grieve three disasters of our country country with which a political decision in that period never Ambassadors of States The ten in Sanaa above the ministers and above the president are the actual president were under the ninth item also and also the guardianship is clear and nothing to the Yemenis decide and do not choose and never take anything and doses, doses with a government in which all the world says that it supports them and that with them and in cooperation with them On the basis that they succeed what they have succeeded At the same time, partition plots were hastened and fragmented. All this failed to achieve the revolutionary escalation today. The commemoration of this anniversary against aggression is an expression of a popular stance and of popular steadfastness and of the steadfastness of my people in the face of this aggression that the will is strong steel and faith stronger than steel in the face of this aggression. On the unity of this popular in the face of this aggression and its steadfastness and its continuous efforts to confront this aggression and the cohesion of its internal front and its keenness to be cohesive in the face of this aggression and its keenness to activate the institutions of its state in the service of this people. The following is a joke that some people today are dependent on the aggression of Riyadh and some of these areas come to comment on the occasion that it is appropriate against the Republic of Yemen and this is funny first that this big lie was one of the most important blessings of the atheist of September they revealed this people I mean, those who joined the ranks of aggression today in Riyadh and in Abu Dhabi there in the rest of the countries of aggression have always been portraying the people that the supporters of Allah are a threat to the republican regime and if they could immediately take the first step they will be to change the republican regime by a monarchy on September 21 a This is a big lie that is baseless and that the supporters of Allah did not come to impose a monarchy in Yemen. This is completely out of the question, neither in their cultural literature nor in their political literature, nor in their vision at the national dialogue conference, nor in any false propaganda aimed at distorting and intimidating others. Like the rest of lies lies supporters of Allah or the Yemeni people today there is a lie to the people of Yemen, all of which constitutes a danger to the two holy mosques is a danger to the whole world and its threat is a danger to the Sunni Muhammadiyah is a danger to everything He spoke lies and funny propaganda in the situation that those who are subject Fully controlled by the Authority The Kingdom of Saudi Arabia The Saudi King The Saudi Prince presents themselves as the protection of the Republic and that they are republicans with their blood and blood. It means between flesh, blood, republican bone, flesh, blood and royal bone, otherwise it is a matter of regime, decision, policy, state and course of life.

Gamalukin says you are a Republican but an American from a royal authority You are under the control of the king of a Saudi king All those associated with the Saudi regime and all subject to the UAE regime and all subjects in their decisions and attitudes and attitudes to those kings and princes are not in the position to offer a nose Share the protectors of the Republic originally this neglect of the republic and the republican system if you may be subject to the king and prince and Qdoh the actual ruler of you the real command of you, so you returned Republican and the Republic of your salvation has disappeared with it has no need in them and no need of the Republic here in Sanaa Republic is in this system currently In Sanaa, whose president today Saleh al-Asmad this republican system, whose officials in the Supreme Political Council and the government to lead the constitutional section before parliament and the president to maintain the republican system of the republican system, which led Hussein Badr al-Din al-Huthi, Q deputies to preserve the republican regime supporters doubt what God and this is the first of the objectives of the 26 September revolution. Has it been achieved to this day whether there is justice in the list or what has been left to Yemen or the Yemeni people to do so? It is achieved from that day to today no stability and justice and nothing chaos and problems and crises continued to continue on both those under the kings and princes are qualified to speak any words about the republican system finally I invite our dear people to interact with the effectiveness of the twenty-first of September and the twenty-sixth of September The framework of these guidelines against aggression as an expression of A free and independent will is steadfast in the face of aggression. It is steadfast in the face of challenges, and we will have a pre-occasion speech before this occasion. This is a preliminary reminder. The word will come before the occasion and the effectiveness to talk about many issues and many issues. But today I emphasize the importance of preserving The unity of the row of care for all the factors of steadfastness, I ask God Almighty to have mercy on our martyrs, the righteous and heal our wounded and break our families and support our oppressed people and peace be upon you and God’s mercy and blessings

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