Home / بحوث اسلامية / Islamic organisation sends Christmas message to Churches in UK

Islamic organisation sends Christmas message to Churches in UK

A UK-based Muslim organisation has produced Christmas cards and delivered a message to the Church wishing them a happy festive season.

The letter which was published by the Ahlulbayt Islamic Mission outlined the importance of standing up for justice and remembered those suffering around the world.

AIM wrote in its Christmas letter saying:

At a time when violence and war has plagued the world, it is more important than ever to reflect on the teachings of Jesus who safeguarded the oppressed and stood up against injustice.

The letter paid tribute to those suffering in Syria, Iraq, Yemen and Palestine, whilst also emphasising on the need for unity amongst Muslims and Christians at a time when materialism and egotism was prevalent in society.

Project supervisor Afreen Rizvi commented on this initiative saying “It’s very important that Muslims and Christians show love and compassion to one another at a time when many are trying to create divisions.”

The Christmas card and letter was delivered to hundreds of Churches in London and was also published on the internet.


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