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World Muslims Hold Rallies on Quds Day, Slam US ‘Deal of Century’

‘Deal of the Century’ will not succeed: Pres. Rouhani

TEHRAN, May 31 (MNA) – Iranian President Hassan Rouhani voiced his support to the oppressed people of Palestine while taking part at massive rallies held in Tehran to commemorate the 40th anniversary of the International Quds Day.

Hassan Rouhani joined public rallies held in Tehran this morning on the 40th anniversary of the International Quds Day on the last Friday of Ramadan month and accompanied the people of Tehran in displaying support for the oppressed people of Palestine to the world.

Speaking to reporters at the rallies in downtown Tehran, President Rouhani referred to the latest US proposed plan on Israel-Palestine conflict, known as the so-called ‘Deal of the Century’, saying that the plan will undoubtedly fail and will yield no results.

The Iranian president added that final victory will be for the Palestinians and Palestine will become the homeland of all the Palestinians including the Muslims, Jews and the Christian Palestinians to coexist peacefully.



Zarif urges Arab rulers to support Palestine instead of raving about Iran

TEHRAN, May 31 (MNA) – Attending the International Quds Day rallies in Tehran, the Iranian Foreign Minister Mohammad Javad Zarif condemned an anti-Iran statement released by Arab countries after an emergency meeting in Saudi Arabia.

Speaking to reporters at the rallies in Tehran to commemorate the International Quds Day today, the top Iranian diplomat said “the message of today and forty years of Quds Day’s rallies is to convert the ‘Deal of the Century’ to the ‘Failure of the Century.’”

Zarif said “Quds is not for sale and it does not belong to the United States so that it can sell it to Israel.”

He added that “no one has the right to give the first Qibla of Muslims to the Zionists.”

He further condemned a final statement released by Arab countries after an emergency meeting in Mecca, Saudi Arabia, which leveled baseless accusation against Iran, lashing out at the few Arab rulers’ cooperation with Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu on realizing his dreams.

“Netanyahu has not been able to protect even Israel with his Iron Dome,” the foreign minister said.

Zarif went on to say that in the last night meeting in Holy Mecca, the Arab rulers should have taken a stance for which the Islamic Cooperation Organization was formed; that is supporting Quds and the Palestinian people instead of ranting and raving about Iran.


Final statement of Quds Day rallies strongly condemns Manama meeting

TEHRAN, May 31 (MNA) – Marchers at the end of International Quds Day rallies in Iran issued a final statement condemning the upcoming Bahraini-hosted meeting to discuss US and Israeli peace plan for Palestine or the so-called ‘Deal of the Century’.

On the 40th anniversary of International Quds Day, millions of Iranians across the country took part in rallies to show their support for the Palestinians as well as their opposition to US and Israeli peace plan for Palestine or the so-called ‘Deal of the Century’.

A statement was read out in Tehran at the end of the nationwide rallies condemning the US administration’s new conspiracy in the form of the so-called ‘Deal of the Century’.

The marchers in their statement also strongly condemned the attempts by some Arab rulers to normalize relations with ‘’fake occupying regime of Israel’ and the upcoming Manama meeting to discuss the economic aspects of the ‘Deal of the Century’.

The final declaration also considered the continuation of Intifada and resistance against the ‘global disbelievers front’ led by the United States as the only solution to the Palestinian issue and rejected any compromise with the ‘cancerous Israel.’

It further called for the realization of ‘Palestine for all Palestinian people’ and stressed that the future Palestine must include the entire Palestinian lands between the Jordan River and the Mediterranean Sea.

At the end, the statement called for ‘maintaining national unity’ and realizing the slogan of this Iranian year set by the Leader of the Islamic Republic as ‘Boosting Domestic Production.’



‘Deal of the Century’ has roots in US utilitarianism

TEHRAN, May 31 (MNA) – Parliament Speaker Ali Larijani says that the proposed ‘Deal of the Century’ has roots in the American utilitarianism philosophy, which disregards justice, dignity, and humanist aspects of the Palestinian issue in favor of economic gains.

The Speaker of the Iranian Parliament Ali Larijani made the remarks before the Friday Prayers sermon in Tehran began today, which was the last Friday of holy month of Ramadan marking the 40th anniversary of International Quds Day. The day has been commemorated with huge rallies across Iran and the globe.

“Americans believe in utilitarianism according to which justice, honor, and humanity count as long as they have benefits,” Larijani said.

The parliament speaker also said that for the American statesmen, international obligations do not count much and they violate their international commitments when they do not see any benefits in abiding by them.

He referred to the US withdrawal from several international agreements such as the Paris climate change agreement, the nuclear deal with Iran and the missile treaty with Russia as some irrational decisions made by the American authorities based on their belief in utilitarianism.

He further noted that proposing the ‘Deal of the Century’ has roots in US utilitarianism philosophy. Meanwhile, he stressed that the their plan for Palestine shows the depth of their unlimited hatred towards the Muslims.

Larijani further quoted the Iranian Leader Ayatollah Khamenei as saying that US utilitarianism is in decline as it creates ‘international anomalies.’ He added the creation of the ISIL terrorist group had roots in the US utilitarianism with the aim of destroying the Islamic nations.

The speaker further called on the Islamic countries to come together and build a stronger strategy against the US strategy for the region.

He also lambasted some Arab countries particularly Saudi Arabia’s cooperation with Americans’ plots and their huge purchase of the US arms.

He went on to note the US officials’ talk of readiness for negotiations with Iran, quoting the Leader of the Islamic Revolution Ayatollah Khamenei’s remarks that Americans cannot be trusted and ruled out any possibility of negotiations on defensive power.

At the end, Larijani said that Iran needs to get stronger and its resistance against the US pressures should continue as the only solution.



TEHRAN (IQNA) – Iranians, along other Muslim worldwide, took to the streets in massive numbers to mark the International Qud Day after Leader of the Islamic Revolution Ayatollah Seyed Ali Khamenei called this year’s rallies more important than ever.

World Muslims Hold Rallies on Quds Day, Slam US 'Deal of Century'


People in Tehran and other cities flocked to main streets to support Palestinians who are facing the dangerous prospect of a sellout of their rights through a US plan called the “deal of the century”.

Similar rallies were planned across the world, including in many Muslim countries as well as in Europe and America, to show solidarity with the Palestinians and condemn Israeli atrocities and US policies.

Hamas leader Yahya Sinwar on Thursday sent a grave warning to Israel ahead of Quds Day and used the opportunity to reject US President Donald Trump’s plan and a summit in Bahrain next month to promote it.

“Trump wants to sell al-Quds to the Zionists without paying a price,” Sinwar said, according to Press TV. “I call him from here and say that I and the Palestinian people will be demonstrating along the [Gaza] fence in light of Quds Day in numbers that have not been seen before.”

Sinwar also warned to attack Tel Aviv and other cities with double the force if “the enemy dares to attack once again.”

“We will not sell al-Quds …We believe liberation of al-Quds will come soon,” he added.

The International Quds Day is a legacy of the late founder of the Islamic Republic of Iran, Imam Khomeini, who designated the day in solidarity with the Palestinians.


World Muslims Hold Rallies on Quds Day, Slam US 'Deal of Century'

Since the 1979 Islamic Revolution in Iran, the International Quds Day has been marked worldwide on the last Friday of the Muslim fasting month of Ramadan.




Millions of Iranians mark Quds Day with nationwide rallies

TEHRAN, May 31 (MNA) – On the 40th anniversary of International Quds Day, millions of Iranians across the country are rallying to show their support for the Palestinians and condemn the occupying regime of Israeli for its crimes against the Palestinians.

This year’s anniversary of the International Quds Day coincides with debates on the US-Israeli peace plan for Palestine or the so-called the ‘Deal of the Century’. Millions of protesters across Iran are taking part in the nationwide rallies, carrying banners and chanting slogans against the new conspiracy against Palestine and the Palestinians.

The marchers are also carrying signs that condemn the attempts by some Arab rulers to normalize relations with the Israeli regime and their coordinated efforts with the ‘Deal of the Century’ plan.

The slogan of this year’s rallies as set by the ‘Intifada and Quds Foundation and the Council for Islamic Propagation’ is “International Quds Day; the Failure of the Deal of the Century and Embedding the Palestinian Cause.”

The International Quds Day is an annual event held on the last Friday of Ramadan that was initiated by the late founder of the Islamic Republic of Iran Imam Khomeini in 1979 to express support for the Palestinians and oppose Zionism and Israeli occupation.


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