Home / بحوث اسلامية / Contest Planned to Select Iran Representative in Int’l Quran Event

Contest Planned to Select Iran Representative in Int’l Quran Event

TEHRAN (IQNA) – A contest is planned to be held in Tehran on January 30 to select Iran’s representative in the Tarteel category of the country’s 37th International Holy Quran Competition.



Top winners of the Tarteel category in the last 5 editions of the Iranian national Quran competition have been invited to take part in the selection process.

The 37th edition of Iran’s International Holy Quran Competition will be held in the northeastern holy city of Mashhad in spring.

Tarteel has been added to the categories of the contest for the first time this year.

The other two categories are recitation and memorization of the entire Quran.

Tarteel is the Arabic word for hymnody. The term is commonly translated in reference to the recitation of the Quran “in proper order” and “with no haste”.

Iran’s Awqaf and Charity Affairs Organization annually organizes the international Quran competition with the participation of Quran activists from various countries.

Quran reciters and memorizers from over 80 countries took part in the 36th edition, held in Tehran in April 2019.

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