Home / بحوث اسلامية / Iran’s Representative Comes 2nd in Tunisia Int’l Quran Contest

Iran’s Representative Comes 2nd in Tunisia Int’l Quran Contest

The ceremony was held at Al-Zaytuna Mosque in the capital, Tunis, with a number of senior officials, including the minister of religious affairs and the grand mufti of Tunisia, as well as diplomats from Muslim countries in attendance.

According to the panel of judges, the Algerian Qari bagged the top prize in the category of recitation of the Quran.

Iran’s Hossein Poorkavir was the runner-up and Turkey’s representative came third in this category.

The competition began in Tunis last Saturday and the last batch of contenders went on the stage to showcase their talents on Monday.

Representatives of 21 countries attended this edition of the contest, named after Imam Hassan bin Khalaf bin Balima Kairouani, a prominent 11th century Tunisian Qari.


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