Home / بحوث اسلامية / By Sadiq Al mussawi

By Sadiq Al mussawi

2. ALI “peace be up on him”
His agnomen: The believers’iýý prince
His title’s: Abul- Hassan “Al- Hassan’s father” Abul- Hassanain “Al- Hassanain’s father” Abus- sibtain “As-sibtain’s father” Abu- turaab.
His father’s name: Abu talib “the prophet’s uncle”, Abd Munaf the son of abdilmuttalib.
His mother’s name: Fatima, the daughter of Assad.
His birth day: He was born on Friday, the thirteenth of rajab month.
His birth place: He was born in the house of God “El- Kabal- Musharrafeh” the exalted Kaba.
His birth year: He was born in the thirteenth year after the elephant’s year.
His decease day: He died on Thursday – night the twenty- first of ramadaan month.
His deceas year: He died in the fourteen A.H.
His age: He was sixty-three years old.
His death reason: He was killed by the sword of muljim’s son during his prayer in Kufeh mosque.
His cemetery: He ýýýýýis burried in Najaf ashraf.
His son’s number: He had thirty-six sons, eighteen males and eighteen females… the males are:

    1. Al- Hassanul- Mujtebaa


    1. Al- Hussien


    1. Mohammad ibnul hanafia


    1. Al- Abbas “abul-fazil”


    1. Abdullahil- Akbar


    1. Jafar- ul- Akbar


    1. Usman- ul- Akbar


    1. Mohammad- ul- Assghar


    1. Abdullahil- Assghar


    1. Abdullah who designated “Abi Ali”


    1. Awn


    1. Yahia


    1. Mohammad il- Awsat.


    1. Usman ul- Assghar


    1. Abbas ul- Assghar


    1. Jafar ul- Assghar


    1. Umar ul- Akbar


    1. Umar ul- Assghar.


The females are:

    1. Zainab-ul Kubra


    1. Rugia- il Kubra


    1. Zaineb-us- Sughra


    1. Remleh-il Kubra


    1. Ummul- Hassan


    1. Nefeeseh


    1. Rugia-is- Sughra


    1. Rugia-il Kubra


    1. Maimuneh


    1. Zainab-il Sughra


    1. Ummu Haani


    1. Fatima-is- Sughra


    1. Umameh


    1. Khadeejat-ul Sughra


    1. Ummu Kulthoom


    1. Ummo Salameh


    1. Hemameh


    1. Ummu Keram.


His wives: He had twelve wives.
His finger ring’s writing: The kingdom is only for the one, the omnipotent Allah.
“Al- Mulku Lil- Waahidul -Kahhar”

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