His title: Abu Muhammad “Muhammad’s father”
His father’s name: Ali “the believer’s prince”
His mother’s name: Az-zaFatima
His birth day: He was born on Tuesday the fifteenth of ramadan month.
His birth year: He was born in the second year A.H.
His death day: He died on Thursday the seventh of safar month.
His age: He was fourty-seven years old.
His decease’s reason: He is poisoned by his wife “Juedeh the daughter of Al- ash-ath” a ccording to acomand of Muawia.
His cemetery: He is burried in Medineh Munawareh “Baqie”.
His sons’ number: He had fifteen sons, 8 eight of them were males and seven of them were females.
The males are:
- Zaid
- Al- Hassan
- Umer
- Al- Qassim
- Abdullah
- Abdur- Rahman
- Al- Hussein
- Talha
The females are:
- Ummul- Hassan
- Ummul- Hussein
- Fatima
- Ummu Abdullah
- Fatima
- Ummu Salemeh
- Ruqia.
His wives: He had “13” thirteen wives.
His finger ring’s writing: The glory is for God.
“Al- Iz-zatu Lil-lah”