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Muslim unity important to end sectarianism

Hassan Rahimpour Azghadi, a member of the High Council of the Cultural Revolution, in a gathering of scholars in Mashhad, spoke about the issue of sectarianism in the Islamic world today.

This highly respected professor started by speaking about the importance of realizing what is actually meant by unity. He stated: “What is meant by unity is not compromising ones belief system; rather it means to work on the basis of things which are agreed upon, and those points which are disagreed upon must be taken away from extremities and placed between the scholarly elite for discussion.”

The professor continued: “In the discussions of things upon which there is a difference, if a conclusion is reached than all is well, however, if a conclusion is not reached, it should not lead to the killing of one another and declaring takfir (disbelief) of one another. They should remain patient till the day of judgement when truth will become apparent because just like God has stated, there are some conflicts which will not be resolved till the day of judgement.”

Presenting the need to slow down the escalation of the rift between the different parties, the respected speaker said: “To stop the increase of our conflicts and differences, we must stop specialized and expert discussion taking place among the common people and secondly, we must be careful of the language we use when talking about conflicting points so that the discussion remains logical and intellectual.”

Pointing towards sectarian strife as a weakness which has hurt Islam more than the actions of the enemy, Azghadi stated: “The disbelievers have not been able to defeat the Muslims in any arena, and wherever the Muslims have been defeated, it has been by the hands of other Muslims. We must make sure that differences in thought do not change into fighting, taunting and the declaration of disbelief on each other.”

Recalling the sacrifices made by Imam Ali (a) for the greater good of the Islamic nation, he said: “It is for this reason that the Commander of the Faithful (a) had stated regarding the caliphate: “If I wish to challenge this government, the Muslims will spill each other’s blood, however, for the good of the nation, I did not contest it and it was only when the people came and pledged their allegiance that I formed the government.” How is it that the person to whom authority belongs can act in such a way for the greater good of the Muslims, even to the extent that when they came to him for advice, he advised them? How is it not the same now?”

“What right do satellite channels working in the name of Shia have to insult the Ahl al-Sunnah? You must provide only the truth about the Shia just like Imam Ridha (a) stated: ‘You must present our statements beautifully and move on; no one shall be against our words.’”

Explaining the success of the enemy in turning the tidal wave created by the Islamic awakening towards the Muslims themselves, the respected war veteran stated: “What happened that the Islamic awakening which started with the unifying calls off ‘Allahu Akbar’, ‘goals for Palestine’ and ‘down with Israel’, and had the Islamic revolution as its role model, turned into an internal war in which Muslims began shedding the blood of other Muslims and it became a war between the Salafi and the Alawi?”

He continued: “When they saw their power diminishing and Israel on the brink of collapse, they started this movement so that the energy of the Muslims would be used against the Muslims themselves. “

In conclusion and looking to the future, Hassan Rahimpour Azghadi finished by presenting a small suggestion of what might help move things in the right direction. He concluded: “The best solution that can be created in regards to this issue is the establishing of a satellite channel which centralizes on issues of unity between the different Islamic sects in a very friendly manner.”


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