On Monday 5 August, a judge at the regional Kaduna High Court ordered that Sheikh Zakzaky and his wife be sent to India for urgent medical treatment. The judge said that Sheikh Zakzaky could lose his life at any moment and cannot receive adequate care in Nigeria.
This is a hard earned victory and a glimmer of hope that the Sheikh’s life can be saved.
It wouldn’t have been achieved without every person around the world that has taken part in the #FreeZakzaky campaign.
But the Sheikh’s life is far from guaranteed. He needs you now more than ever.
The Nigerian government has repeatedly ignored court rulings. In 2016, the highest court in Nigeria, the Federal High Court in Abuja, ordered Sheikh Zakzaky’s release and the government has ignored the ruling.
Today, the court hadn’t even finished discussing the conditions of Sheikh Zakzaky’s travel for treatment, when government officials indicated they may prolong his release.
They refused to answer media questions about when the Sheikh will be sent to India and indicated that they may max out the one-month deadline to appeal today’s ruling.
That is a month Sheikh Zakzaky might not have. The court made clear today that the Sheikh could lose his life at any time. The government could still try and delay his treatment until it is too late.
Protest and pressure must continue until he is in hospital receiving this care.
The Nigerian government want the issue to die down so that they can continue to let Sheikh Zakzaky die.
We cannot let that happen.
A court ruling will not save Sheikh Zakzaky’s life. He needs to be in a hospital now. We demand that the Nigerian government facilitate his immediate travel and medical care for life-saving treatment.
The protest outside the Nigerian High Commission in London continues until news of Shaykh Zakzaky’s release for treatment is confirmed.
We will not abandon our position outside the Nigerian High Commission until we are satisfied that the court decision will be honoured.
Wasalaamu Alaikum
Ahlulbayt Islamic Mission (AIM)
Free Zakzaky Global Campaign
5th August 2019